
Blog - ISAS Beauty School

June 4, 2024

The cruise industry has witnessed a remarkable resurgence, with travelers seeking luxurious and unique experiences on the high seas. This surge in popularity has brought a corresponding increase in the demand for various services aboard cruise ships, including beauty and wellness. Among these, hairstyling has emerged as a particularly sought-after service. In this blog, we...

May 16, 2024

coronavirus is a life-threatening virus that is said to affect the respiratory system of humans. The virus can cause common cold, pneumonia, and severe lung problems (SRS) . Normally coronavirus spread from one man to another. * With sneeze and coughing air. * With very close physical contact. Such as touch and handshake * Touch...

May 16, 2024

Revitalize your beauty, Revitalize your soul…! The beauty business in India is flourishing at a rapid rate due to which the future outlook seems exceptionally bright due to new product launches which are catering to consumers’ growing requirements. Today awareness of beauty products and treatments is at an all-time high in India. Consumers have much...